
Dirty Dancing photos

At the Dark Room Theater in May of 2013.  These pictures were taken, I think, by our friend Ira.  Thank you, Ira.  I know there's a video floating around somewhere which I would LOVE to see.  You know, because of the lift and everything.

A Dirty Dancing parody is not complete without a scene from Ghost.

This is from the part where Baby is lurking outside Penny's cabin while Johnny talks to her, and then makes all those faces at him as he's walking away.  One night I overheard an audience member whisper, "Oh my god, I can't take any more of her face."

I made a lot of faces.

Like, a lot.

 Legwarmers unfortunately not pictured.

The best place to learn lifts is in the water.

Mickey and Sylvia

Someone stole some wallets.

Last night at Kellerman's.  Adam is still singing the song.


program bio, Ghostbusters Live!

Becky Hirschfeld (Assistant Director, Librarian, Dana/Zuul) is usually in a play at the Dark Room. She plays aliens (Sigh-Fi, The Fifth Element Live),  computers (Asteroids Live, From Agnes with Love, The Fifth Element Live), and now violinists. Catch her next month in Dirty Dancing Live as an aspiring Peace Corps volunteer who learns how to dance astonishingly quickly. ofternon.tumblr.com

From the sfbg...

"Ghostbusters: Live On Stage"

Why has a 1984 film about a group of misfits determined to cure New York City of its ectoplasm explosion endured for so many years? As Ray Parker Jr. once sang, "Bustin' makes me feel good!" The intrepid local thesps of Rhiannastan Productions — picking up the grand San Francisco tradition of turning cult films into stage plays; anyone else fondly remember Evil Dead: Live? — take on Venkman, Spengler, Zuul, Slimer, the Keymaster, and the rest, mounting Ghostbusters: Live On Stage. There will be Proton packs, there will be puppets. Frankly, if you don't already love Ghostbusters enough to be excited by the very notion of this, you might actually be a ghost. (Cheryl Eddy)
Through April 27
Thu-Sat, 8pm, $20
Dark Room Theater
2263 Mission, SF