
Bench Buzz with Tomas and Janna

For more information, visit http://www.bio-rad.com/yt/4/ngc.

Meet Janna and Tomas. After hearing competing claims about the scalability of next-generation chromatography systems, this dynamic duo took it upon themselves to discover the truth. Now let's face it, when you think of protein purification you don't usually think of good times. But somehow Janna and Tomas manage to keep the mood light even as they put the systems to the test by simulating changing protein purification needs. Their conclusion? Vote Yes for Better Chromatography. Vote Yes for Bio-Rad.

Starring Fernando Navales and Becky Hirschfeld


Program bio, Merry Christmas, Charlie Brown!

Becky Hirschfeld (Sally) has been in many plays at the Dark Room; most recently she appeared as Leeloo in The Fifth Element: Live!  She's very happy to be in Merry Christmas, Charlie Brown! which has been super fun and has taught her not only the meaning of Christmas, but also how to sew and, most importantly, how to properly huck a snowball.

Merry Christmas, Charlie Brown!

The director didn't credit himself, so I'll leave it anonymous (leave it anonymous).

That's Cynthia Popper in the purple--I mean "violet"--whom you might recognize from my TIBCO: 2 Seconds video. She played the lead to my customer service rep because she's a beauuutiful model and a wonderful person who now lives in Japan and takes pictures of amazing things and posts them on the internet, for which I am incredibly grateful because, man, there are some cool things in Japan.

From Left to Right: 
Christopher P Kelly (Schroeder), father to adorable twins and worthy Words with Friends opponent
Joy Carletti (Peppermint Patty), of the Pure Moxie Players
Becky Hirschfeld in a pink newsie hat

From Stage Right to Stage Left:
Chris Kelly, Peter Illes (Pigpen), Jenny Keller (Lucy), Misha Trubs (Charlie Brown), Thomas Apley (Linus), Becky Hirschfeld (Sally Brown)

More hats, from Left to Right:
Peter, Andrew Moore (Snoopy), Cynthia, Erin Lucas (Marcie)

Did you notice our cute dresses?  Jenny's friend made hers so I decided to learn how to sew and make my own Sally dress because I figured that would be easier and cheaper than finding and buying one.

I was wrong.  It was not cheaper and easier.  But, hey, I learned how to sew, so, you know.